
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Alternative to Mozilla Firefox's RESTClient

Alternative to Mozilla Firefox's RESTClient

Writing and running REST and SOAP web services has been in my daily routine at work.  My favorite plugin to execute REST calls is Firefox's RESTClient plugin.

But last week, there was an outage in our network that we had to install new certificates in our machines.  I overwrote the cacert file as advised by our DevOps so we can run our apps in our localhosts.

However, this new cert has somehow changed my Firefox settings.  As I was running Firefox RESTClient, none of the Headers were being populated when I choose any of my saved requests.

I knew something was wrong.  I exported all requests into a JSON file.  I uninstalled the plugin.  Then failed to reinstall it back again as I keep on getting "Your connection is not secure"

So I'm stuck and cannot work on my web services testing.  It's either I walk over to the DevOps team and have them checked if this was caused by the cert recently installed OR find an alternative REST Client so I can proceed with my web services testing.

I went ahead with the latter.  Below are browser plugins that I find equally or better options to Firefox's REST Client.

  1. I considered Chrome's RESTClient first. However adding authorization headers was not straightforward.

  2. Then I tried another popular Chrome plugin, PostMan.

    As soon as I hit the Authorization tab, it asks me for the Type. Basic Auth, OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 are the types I need most of the time.
  3. Another REST Client I installed was cREST Client.  But I find it too simple.  So I abandoned the idea of using it.
To wrap up, the best easy-to-use REST Client browser plugin for me is PostMan.  Although I found something wrong with it.  When I choose Basic Auth, it can only accept a Username + Password combination.
A web service that I was about to test only has a Basic Auth key.  If I have to run that web service, then I would have to move to the RESTClient.